Our History
Dental Defence Society (DDS) is a new indemnity provider, set up to make it as simple as possible for dentists to be able to carry out their work with confidence. As dentists ourselves, we know it is important for GDPs and dental nurses to receive a high level of cover that offers the support and protection they need on a daily basis.
We are a sister company of Medical Defense Society, which was established by GPs, for GPs and has helped hundreds of doctors to be able to get an affordable indemnity that caters specifically for their needs.
DDS is taking the successful formula established by Medical Defense Society and is applying it to dentists so that GDPs can also benefit from a good deal in the same way as GPs have done. We aim to do this by offering an alternative to the existing providers, with an affordable and high-quality indemnity package that reflects the challenges faced by dentists.